
The 5 Most Common Reasons People Need In-Home Care

It can be hard to decide if in-home care is right for your loved one. While we have clients who come to us for a variety of reasons, there are five main reasons why families choose home care. If your loved one suffers from any of the following, in-home care assistance could be exactly what you need! Ease your mind and let your senior remain comfortable in their own home. B’Zoe Home Caregiving Services has seen a majority of clients coming to us for these five reasons. 

Mobility Problems

The first reason people may need in-home care is lack of mobility. As we age, our muscles can get weaker and our joints can become stiff and sore. Losing mobility can make completing daily tasks much harder than they were when we’re younger. In-home care can be required when your loved one’s mobility issues start to affect their daily routine. For example, arthritic in the hands can make it nearly impossible to button shirts, zip jackets, tie shoes, etc. An in-home caregiver will be able to assist your senior with dressing to make sure they always look and feel ready for the day. More serious mobility issues involve problems walking resulting in a cane or walker. You might be apprehensive about your loved one living alone in their house in such a state, so a caregiver is a great option. Falls are extremely common among senior citizens, and they can be serious. Having a caregiver visit regularly will give you peace of mind because your loved one will not be alone for days at a time. 


Another common reason why people seek the assistance of a homecare company is diabetes management. Older adults can develop diabetes, typically Type 2. When you aren’t used to living with the disease, it can be scary and frustrating to get a hold of. In-home caregivers can make the process easier by checking blood sugar levels, assisting the senior with insulin, preparing healthy meals/snacks that are not going to spike blood sugar, and more. Many people struggle to manage their diabetes at first, even more so as an elderly person recently diagnosed. There are rules and regulations that your loved one might not be used to following, so their caregiver can remind them what the doctor said. You can relax knowing that someone is with your loved one to help them along the way and make sure that they stay happy, healthy, and well. While many non-medical in-home care companies will not formally administer insulin to seniors, our caregivers will make sure the blood sugar reading is correct and will help your loved one determine what is needed to regulate their system. 

Heart Conditions

Elderly people are sadly more prone to heart conditions than their younger counterparts. The heart is one of the hardest working parts of the body, and it can suffer wear and tear over time. Dietary and lifestyle changes as we age can also affect the heart’s function, putting seniors at risk of diseases and conditions. When someone has a heart problem, they are given a very specific set of rules to follow by their doctor or cardiologist. Typically, excessive activity, too little activity, heavy lifting, and unhealthy foods make the “do not” list. Hiring an in-home caregiver for your loved one can help in many ways:

  • The caregiver can take care of some daily activities that would require too much exertion for the senior.
  • The caregiver can take your loved one on short walks if the doctor suggested adding some light exercise into the daily routine.
  • A caregiver can move things around if needed including furniture, heavy bags of groceries, etc.
  • Caregivers can help your loved one plan healthy meals and stock the home with heart-healthy snacks. 


Alzheimer’s and other forms of Dementia are terrible diseases. They affect the cognitive function of your loved one, making them lose their memory and struggle to complete tasks that were once second nature to them. Caregivers are specially trained in caring for Alzheimer’s patients and understand what the disease is and how they can relieve some of the stress that comes with it. B’Zoe Home Caregiving Services offers services for dementia patients such as grooming help, dressing help, companionship, medication reminders, and more. Aging in place is a fantastic option for seniors with dementia because they get to stay in an environment they are comfortable and familiar with. Dealing with the progressing illness is hard enough without them needing to worry about living somewhere they don’t know! Keeping them at home also allows you and other family members to visit however often you’d like, and allows you to set the schedule, rules, and routine. Your loved one will appreciate having the family over often and the familiarity of it all can help slow the effects of the disease. 

Post-Hospital Care

Did your senior/adult family member just get out of the hospital? Following surgeries or hospital stays, older adults might need some extra help around the house. That’s where in-home care comes in! Just about all caregiving companies offer short-term commitments for post-hospital care. You can hire a trained caregiver to stop in and help out your loved ones as they recover. B’Zoe Home Caregivers will help to keep your loved one and their home neat and tidy. We’ll take care of miscellaneous tasks as well as provide companionship while your senior is isolated during their recovery period. Having someone to talk to can really lift a patient’s spirits, and we’re sure they’ll love the caregiver we match them with!

Still unsure about choosing in-home care? Feel free to do some research about different senior care options. In addition to home care, you have assisted living facilities and retirement homes. Aging in place is the most preferred arrangement according to many surveys of seniors, but you should choose what is right for your family and situation. B’Zoe Home Care has a staff of highly trained caregivers that are matched to clients based on personality, needs, and lifestyle. We guarantee your senior will love their caregiver! Learn more about our in-home care services at Call us at (206) 953-4900 to schedule a FREE consultation! We look forward to hearing from you. 


More And More Seniors Are Aging In Place

We are all familiar with assisted living facilities and nursing homes for the elderly, but have you heard about the current most popular senior care method? Aging in place involves in-home care services that keep your senior happy and healthy while allowing them to stay in their own home and maintain their independence. More and more seniors are requesting in-home care each year as they learn about what it is and why it’s a great choice. Let’s take a look at the process!

What is Aging in Place?

Aging in place is exactly what you would imagine it to be; growing older in the home you’ve lived in for years. Many elderly people prefer the idea of staying at home in their old age rather than relocating to a nursing home or assisted living facility. Aging in place is the most popular method of senior care because it allows your loved one to maintain a level of independence that other methods do not. Additionally, they can stay in the home they are comfortable in near friends and family. Various senior living facilities have rules and regulations in place regarding leaving the facility, seeing visitors, and doing various tasks. If your senior is still active and stubborn about sticking to their routine, aging in place could be a great option! Of course, there are some problems that can accompany aging in place, but they are typically easy to solve. If your loved one needs some form of care, contact an in-home care company like B’Zoe Home Caregiving Services. Our staff brings care to your loved one’s front door on a flexible schedule that’s set by you and the client. 

Is it Right For My Loved One?

How can you know if aging in place is suitable for your elderly loved one? Keep an eye out for any of the following:

  • The layout of the home: Are there several stairs that must be climbed regularly. And can your loved one navigate them safely?
  • The size of the home: Can your elderly loved one keep things tidy and in order? Caregivers will help with basic tasks, but most home maintenance is not included in services.
  • The health of your senior: Is your loved one in great health with the exception of some achy joints and a bit of balance loss? The healthier a senior is, the more it makes sense to keep them at home for as long as possible. Alzheimer’s and dementia patients can benefit greatly from staying in a familiar environment, but if they require a lot of care, it may not be a great fit.
  • Your loved one’s needs: Of course, you need to take into account the needs of your senior. Do they need basic help here and there, or are most daily tasks a struggle for them? In-home care is best suited for those who require some assistance during the day but not 24/7 watch. 24-hour care is absolutely an option if your home has the space, but most in-home care at least starts out with a few hours at a time. 

Other things to consider include the status of your senior’s social life, their routine, how frequently they see family and friends, and how capable they are at doing things like cooking and cleaning. In-home caregivers are chosen by the client to ensure a good personality match. One of their most important jobs ends up being a friend to your loved one. While the staff at assisted living facilities and nursing homes rotates and changes constantly, you will only have one caregiver who will form a bond with your senior and quickly become a friend to them. Companionship is far more important than people realize, and in-home care guarantees one-on-one time that is not promised at facilities. 

What Are The Benefits?

There are countless benefits to in-home care and aging in place, though they will differ by client. Here are a few that are cited most frequently by our clients and their family members:

  1. It gives the senior more independence and lets them stay comfortable in their home
  2. The care schedule is flexible based on needs and lifestyle
  3. Strong bonds form between the client and their hand-picked caregiver
  4. There are no restrictions on visitations or “excursions” to other places
  5. Caregivers can come in for a few hours to help when needed, and then the senior can have the rest of the day to themselves
  6. Aging in place is almost always more affordable than assisted living or nursing homes
  7. It’s believed that staying in a familiar environment and sticking to a routine can slow memory loss in Alzheimer’s and dementia patients
  8. You can alter the care plan as needed if new issues arise
  9. In-home care can be used for short-term recovery after surgeries or hospital stays
  10. Pets, plants, kids, and friends are all welcome! There are no restrictions in your own home!

We could go on for days about the benefits of aging in place, but this seems like a sufficient list for the time being. As you can see, there are many selling points that ultimately convince seniors and their families to give in-home care a try. We guarantee that once you do, you won’t want it any other way. Be sure to find an in-home care company that provides the services you need as not all offer medical services. 

We hope this brief article has given you some insight as to why aging in place is the most preferred method of senior care. B’Zoe Home Caregiving Services has been in business for years offering personalized care plans with flexible hours. We take the time to meet each of our new clients so that we can match you with the perfect caregiver. We are currently accepting new clients, so give us a call at (206) 953-4900 to schedule a FREE consultation. Visit to learn more about us. We look forward to speaking with you!


These Gadgets Make Life Easier For Seniors

You likely don’t think twice about tying your shoes, getting up out of bed, or using various devices in your home. For many seniors, that is no longer the case. Simple tasks become challenging as our bodies age and change, and it can quickly feel like you’re losing independence. Give your elderly loved one more freedom with some senior-specific gizmos and gadgets! As home care professionals, we’ve seen first-hand the types of tasks that seniors struggle with, and all of the products we will be discussing target at least one of these daily to-dos!

Amazon Echos, Apple Alexas, Google Home, Etc

Millions of households have Amazon Echos or Apple Alexas these days. If you’re unfamiliar with the devices, they are smart centers that respond to voice commands. They can search the internet, play music, tell jokes, and even control other connected devices in the home. These hands-free options have changed the way seniors age in place. They don’t need to get up to walk to a light switch, they can just ask Google or Alexa to turn it on for them. They can ask about the weather, request a phone call with family or friends, set reminders for appointments or medication, and more. If there’s a tech-savvy member of the family who can set up these devices to other areas of the home, your senior will be able to control all kinds of technology with nothing but their voice. 

Tile Stickers

No, we are not talking about the adhesive floor or wall tiles! Tile is a brand that creates small devices that can be attached to commonly-misplaced items. Using an app on your phone, you can call your Tiles to help you find where the item is. You can also do the reverse and press a Tile to help you find your phone! All of the Tile products are extremely useful for seniors, but stickers are easy to attach to just about anything. Add a Tile Sticker to the TV Remote, the house phone, files of important documents, and anything else your senior is prone to losing track of. Now, when something is misplaced there’s no need to panic. Tile can help you find it in minutes. 

Ring Doorbells

We should all be familiar with Ring Doorbells by now, but if you aren’t, it’s essentially a doorbell with video and audio capabilities. Whenever someone is at the door, you can check the live video on a phone or tablet. This is a great security measure for seniors as they can check who is at the door before unlocking it. If it’s family or friends, it’s safe to let them inside, but if it’s someone unfamiliar, your loved one can communicate with them through the speaker to find out what they are there for. Ring Doorbells record as soon as it detects motion, regardless of the time of day. If packages go missing, gardens are destroyed, or any other suspicious behavior occurs, you can see it on the app. Ring allows multiple users access to the security footage, so you can keep an eye on mom or dad’s front door from wherever you are!

Handles/Rails/Stands for Showers, Toilets, Beds, Etc. 

With more and more seniors opting to age in place, it’s common to need to make updates to the home to make it more senior-friendly. Though not nearly as high-tech as the other gadgets we’ve mentioned so far, stability handles, railings, and stands are a must-have in elderly homes. Showering can be dangerous due to slippery surfaces and limited mobility, so installing a handle or rail is a fantastic idea. In any area of the home where your loved one needs to get up and down (toilets, beds, couches, etc.), consider adding a handle to the nearby wall, or a free-standing stability stand. These allow seniors to pull themselves up and lower themselves down carefully. By using arm and leg muscles, your senior will be less fatigued and can move around more freely. 


Every house with elderly residents should have at least one grabber/reacher. We’ve all played with these in the past, usually with a fun animal head on the end like a shark or bird. However, there are very professionally-built grabbers that are perfect for elderly loved ones. They won’t have to climb onto a stool to reach up high, they won’t need to bed down low, and they can stay seated to grab something that is just out of reach. When shopping for grabbers for your senior, look for those that are sturdy without being too heavy, and preferably those that require light pressure to operate. Grip strength isn’t always great among the elderly, so keep that in mind. Some grabbers even have locking options so that whatever you pick up is securely trapped between the pinchers. They’re so convenient you might even get some for your own home!

LifeAlert or Other Emergency Call Devices

This last gadget may be known for its slightly dramatic commercials and infomercials, but it truly is a lifesaver. LifeAlert or other similar emergency communication devices can make the difference between life and death for elderly people. “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” isn’t just a figure of speech after all. Seniors may trip or lose their balance and end up falling down. They could sustain serious injuries to the hips or legs that prevent them from being able to get back up. If they’re home alone, that is clearly a problem. LifeAlert and similar gadgets are worn as necklaces, bracelets, or hooked onto clothes so that they are always within reach. With the press of a button, your senior can alert authorities that they need medical assistance. It’s like having 911 on speed dial all the time. These devices typically allow communication to explain the situation and what injuries are sustained, and some share location directly to first responders. Senior citizens are not attached to cell phones like younger people are, so there’s a very good chance they won’t be able to reach it when needed. LifeAlert devices ensure 24/7 protection and the ability to communicate with medical professionals. 

The internet is full of gadgets, technology, inventions, and products that can make life easier and safer for your elderly loved ones. They will allow your senior to have more freedom and remain at home safely. For those tasks that are still too difficult even with fun gadgets, consider hiring an in-home caregiver. B’Zoe Home Caregiving Service has been in business for years offering flexible scheduling, highly-trained professional caregivers, and a wide range of personalized services. We carefully match caregivers with clients based on needs, lifestyle, and personality so that a true bond is formed. In-home care allows your loved one to remain independent and comfortable in their own home, making the process of getting older less intimidating. Call us today at (206) 953-4900 to schedule a FREE consultation! 


Useful Electronics for Seniors



Useful Electronics for Seniors

While the golden years are a time of reflection and special moments, they are also a time of change and adaption. 

It can be disheartening to see your loved ones, whether that be your grandparents, parents or a good friend, struggle with what used to be simple daily tasks.

Thanks to technology though, it doesn’t mean the elderly have to give up on the things that they love. At B’Zoe Home Caregiving Services, we understand that technology plays a key role in making the elderly more comfortable. So, we researched some of the best gadgets out there and here’s what we found. 

Smart pillboxes

Forgetfulness and old age go hand-in-hand, which becomes a problem when you have to take daily medication. The Memo Box is a handy gadget that makes sure you don’t forget to take your pills. It’s an intelligent device that keeps your medication organized. It links to your mobile device, giving you reminders, prescription instructions. It’ll even notify you if you leave home without your medication.

The iRobot® Roomba

This sleek and high-quality gadget is perfect for keeping your floors dust and dirt free. The iRobot® Roomba is the smart way to clean your home without needing to bend over to sweep and clean. It’s also perfect for those who are wheel-chair bound. While it won’t stop your furry friends from running mud through your home, it will certainly clean up after them. 

Tile Sticker

This is another great gadget to help with forgetfulness. You simply attach a Tile Sticker to your car keys, purse, remote control, and keep track of them via an app on your mobile device. Now that’s handy!

Video Doorbells

Also known as smart doorbells, video doorbells are a great way to help keep the elderly safe in their homes. They use video and two-way speakers which link to an app on your mobile device or to a base set that you install indoors. There are plenty of options out there, with Google’s Nest Cam being a popular choice for many.

Fitbit Charge 4

While it’s great for fitness in general, the Fitbit Charge 4 is also the perfect fitness tracker for the elderly. It provides a wide range of health features on a user-friendly interface. The accurate 24/7 heart rate tracker offers peace of mind for seniors. 

Fall detection devices

What happens when the elderly take a fall when no-one is around to assist? Fall detection devices are effective in alerting someone when this happens. The Medical Guardian is a popular option, with various models to choose from.

This is only a few of the many options out there.

Senior care is more than love and compassion, it’s about doing whatever possible to make the lives of the elderly more comfortable. This is especially true when it comes to in-home health care. 

Our mission at B’Zoe Home Caregiving Services is to provide seniors and those who need additional help with in-home care in a loving, respectful and responsible way.


Anxiety and Depression in Seniors

Anxiety and Depression in Seniors

Has the senior in your life lost interest in the activities that they enjoyed? Do they often struggle with feelings of hopelessness? Have you noticed that they are finding it harder to get through the day? 

If you answered “yes” to these questions, then it’s time to consider the possibility of anxiety and depression. Regardless of your loved one’s achievements in life, they can face these two conditions as they age. 

Unfortunately, anxiety and depression affect every aspect of life; putting a damper on work, energy, sleep, and even relationships. 

There are cases when both you and your loved one may fail to recognize the symptoms of anxiety and depression, thus, fail to get the help that they need. 

But not anymore! We are here to shed the light! 

Here are the tell-tale signs of anxiety and depression in seniors or the elderly:

  • Sadness or feelings of despair

It is normal to feel a bit stressed, anxious, or sad every once in a while. 

But when your loved one feels sad every single day and experiences an unrelenting sense of hopelessness that will not allow them to enjoy the day, then it may be time to consider depression and anxiety. 

  • Feeling nervous and anxious

When your loved one is not only sad but also has intense feelings of fear and terror, then they are suffering from depression and anxiety. 

This also includes worry that is out of proportion and may even affect their physical state. 

  • Sleep disturbance

Getting a good night’s rest is hard enough at times. But imagine being restless and failing to fall asleep most nights. Or even having unsatisfying sleep on the nights that yo9u actually fall asleep. 

This is what your loved one goes through when they are dealing with anxiety and depression. 

Other accompanying signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression in seniors include; 

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Easy fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Changes in eating i.e. eating too little or too much
  • Loss of interest in hobbies or activities
  • Inability to relax
  • Panic attacks 

The reality is that many seniors may not know that they suffer from anxiety and depression because it’s not something that is addressed during their lifetime.

When you notice any of these signs and symptoms, the best thing you can do is be patient and get your loved one the help that they need. 

Don’t feel hopeless- there’s hope!

B’Zoe Home Caregiving Services

You don’t have to go through anxiety and depression alone. If you are looking for the right support then B’Zoe Home Caregiving services is here for you!

We understand that finding the right care for your loved one is a big decision. That’s why we pride ourselves on quality in-home care for seniors and adults. 

Our caregivers are professional, dependable, trustworthy, and kind. 

Serving Washington seniors, we are ready to care for adults who need in-home care due to old age, medical, or developmental issues. 

Our goal is to deliver exceptional customer care and allow your loved one to enjoy a high quality of life.

Need care? Contact us today!


The Holidays and Dementia

The Holidays and Dementia

The holidays are a wonderful time, but they can be especially lonely for people with dementia. If your loved one suffers from this condition, they need love, compassion, and consideration. 

While friends and family are gathering around the Christmas tree, your loved one may be feeling a sense of loss. They may be sad to see that things are no longer how they used to be. 

As such, you should consider the needs of your loved one suffering from dementia during decorations and holiday gatherings. 

By adjusting expectations, you will find the most meaningful ways to celebrate together. Here are a few ways to ease the feelings of sadness and ensure that those suffering from dementia will enjoy the holidays:

  • Create a space that’s safe and calm

Creating an appropriate space for someone with dementia is one of the most important things that you can do. This means toning down decorations. Remember, a lot of blinking lights and displays can cause confusion. 

Also, avoid cluttered decorations that will cause you to rearrange a room that was once familiar. 

Fasten your tree to the wall and play familiar holiday music. Ensure that the volume is relaxing and not considered distressing to ensure that your loved one is comfortable. 

  • Plan meaningful activities

Involve your loved one in any baking or cooking process, as this will help them feel included in the holiday preparations. 

Prepare, read holiday cards and put up decorations together. To keep them relaxed at all times, aim for an intimate gathering that is quiet and relaxed rather than one that is noisy. 

Even amidst the celebrations, keep daily routines as normal as possible. In case you are going out, make outings brief and provide rest stops. 

  • Prepare your holiday visitors

Don’t assume that everyone will pick up on dementia. You should let your guests know that your loved one is suffering from the condition so that they will answer all questions asked or understand changes in behavior. 

Encourage guests to listen and avoid correcting errors or interrupting when you’re loved one is speaking. 

Let your guest know the activities that they will partake in ahead of time and ask them to bring something memorable such as a photo album. 

  • Take care of yourself as a caregiver

If you are a caregiver you also deserve some self-love and care during the holidays. This will help in making the season more enjoyable. 

You needn’t do everything; you can focus on the holiday activities that mean the most to you. 

Delegation is an important part of the process. Ask other members of the family to address greeting cards and shop for gifts so you can get some time to relax. 

Need a Little Help During the Holidays?

You know what they say, a little help goes a long way. If you need assistance from professional caregivers then B’Zoe Home Caregiving Services is here for you. 

Our qualified caregivers are not only dependable but will also ensure that your loved one is well-taken care of during the holidays. 

They will manage all symptoms of dementia, even those that you may not pick up on. We are exactly what you need to make the holidays more memorable!


Is Your Senior Ready For In-Home Care?

Watching your parents age can cause you to overthink their situation. Many seniors require assistance at some point in their lives, and their family is often left wondering when the right time to start is. In-home care is growing in popularity as it provides seniors with the care they need while allowing them to stay largely independent in their own homes. We’ve been contacted by many families concerned about their loved one who ask how they can know when it’s time to hire a caregiver. Here are some of the top signs we often tell people to look for. 


A very common “side effect” of aging is becoming more forgetful. While this is completely normal and safe once in a while, if it becomes a habit, it might be time to get a caregiver involved. Forgetting where they put something is one thing, forgetting to do daily tasks is another. Is your loved one consistently forgetting to take medication, or are they forgetting if they already took it that day? As we know, medication is crucial to maintaining health, and skipping or adding doses can cause serious problems. If your loved one can no longer remember their schedule on their own, it may be time to call in someone to assist them. Other forms of forgetfulness to keep an eye out for include:

  • Forgetting to eat and drink regularly
  • Forgetting how to operate appliances 
  • Forgetting important events that they usually remember
  • Forgetting words or what they were going to say
  • And more.

If you notice a severe jump in forgetful tendencies, it’s wise to get your senior to a doctor. Dementia and Alzheimer’s set in later in life most times, so you want to get them checked. When caught early, there are ways to slow the process of the diseases to help your loved one stay sharper longer.  

A Lack Of Personal Hygiene

The second thing to watch for is a drop in personal hygiene. Elderly people often find it harder to navigate around and move freely due to joint problems, weakened muscles, and other age-related conditions. This can make it hard for them to properly look after themselves. They may avoid taking showers because it’s too hard for them or they’re afraid of getting hurt. In some cases, seniors may forget to shower together. Laundry can be hard for elderly people to do by themselves because it involves heavy lifting and operating washers and dryers. They may have a hard time getting out to go and get their hair cut or their teeth cleaned. If you notice your loved one taking less care of themselves, try to identify the reasons why. As we’ll discuss in a bit, some seniors suffer from depression and mood changes as they age. Lack of proper hygiene could point to this as well, which would require some professional help to reverse. 

Trouble Keeping The House Neat And Clean

Even perfectly healthy young adults have a hard time keeping the house or apartment clean. Imagine how hard it is when you lack mobility, have aches and pains, or are scared of getting hurt due to your age? Elderly people can have a very hard time maintaining their homes as they get older. Bending down and reaching up high can be hard, using step stools and ladders becomes extremely unsafe, and lugging around heaving machines like vacuums, lawnmowers, weed whackers, and more is nearly impossible. Your loved one might let the house go in ways they haven’t previously. If you are noticing more clutter, dirty rooms, and unkempt yards, it might be time to get some help. Many home care agencies will help with light housework, but you may need another team to help with the rest. Hire a landscaper or a nice neighbor down the street to mow the grass. Call in a cleaning company once a week. Bring in people that can still get the job done so that your elderly loved one can enjoy a clean and uncluttered home. 

Loneliness And Mood Changes

As your family member ages, they may have a more difficult time getting out and about. This can lead to them missing out on their usual social gatherings like brunch, bingo, book clubs, etc. As we all know from the past year, being isolated at home can really take a toll on your mental health. Seniors who are confined to their homes due to health concerns will grow lonely very quickly. This can lead to foul moods and even depression disorders. You and your family all have jobs, children, and other things to take care of so you can’t spend as much time with your elderly loved one as you might like to. A caregiver can give them the social interactions they need in a one-on-one setting. Many seniors benefit from their caregiver’s friendship because they aren’t family! We all love our families dearly, but it’s nice to have some time with other people once in awhile isn’t it? An in-home caregiver will be that 3rd party, non-family friend that your senior needs. Companionship is one of the most important jobs we do because it keeps clients happy, active, and in good spirits.


Unsteady Mobility

Lastly, if your senior has been losing their mobility, it might be a good idea to look into in-home caregivers. Not only will caregivers help your senior complete tasks they no longer have the mobility to do themselves, but they will also help them get around safely. It’s always a relief knowing that someone is home with your loved one in case they fall or get injured. Caregivers are trained to help seniors brush their hair, get dressed, move around the home, complete basic daily tasks, and more. You would be surprised how many things we take for granted each day. When you age, your joints and muscles don’t work as well as they used to, making tasks that were second nature a true struggle to overcome. Having a caregiver there to assist will put your loved one at ease and can avoid a lot of unnecessary frustration. 

Have you noticed any of these signs in your loved one? If so, we suggest setting up a consultation with an in-home caregiving service like B’Zoe Home Care! We have a highly trained team of caregivers that can help seniors in a variety of non-medical ways. We pair clients with caregivers based on needs, personalities, and lifestyles to ensure the relationship is positive. Call us today at (206) 953-4900 to speak with our team and receive a FREE consultation. Learn more about our services at We guarantee that your loved one will enjoy their visits from our caregivers! We look forward to speaking with you soon. 


In-Home Care vs Assisted Living Facilities

Seniors in America are lucky enough to have several different long-term care options available to them. For families, this can be a difficult choice because there are pros and cons to all of them. It’s important to weigh these against one another to find a match best suited for your senior. People often ask us what the difference is between our in-home care services and assisted living facilities. Today, the B’Zoe team will help break down the differences to help you make a better-informed decision. Let’s get started!

Services Offered

One of the main differences between in-home care and assisted living is the service capabilities. Common in-home care services include things like bathing, meal prep, getting dressed, going to appointments, companionship, grooming help, and more. These are tasks that should be done daily, that seniors may no longer be able to accomplish on their own. The services performed by in-home caregivers are often personalized and catered to your loved one’s exact needs. They can adapt and change as your senior’s condition does! Assisted living facilities typically handle similar services along with housekeeping for the senior’s room. Assisted living facilities usually have staff on-hand 24/7 in case of emergency, and many have registered nurses. Assisted living allows your loved one to live independently in a building or sector with other seniors. Care is just outside the door when needed, making it a great choice for those with more serious care needs. Keep in mind that most assisted living plans are set and not catered to custom needs. This may be fine for some people, but other seniors require more personalized attention than the facility can offer. 24/7 in-home care is also an option, but it is less common than assisted living. While the service catalogs are quite similar between both senior care options, the two are not created equal. 

Living Arrangements

As you would imagine, in-home care is the senior care that comes straight to your door! Your loved one can remain in their own home – or in the home of a family member – and still receive the care they need. This is proven to be more comfortable for the senior because they are familiar with the environment and don’t need to change their whole life around. Because they remain in a home, family and friends can come and go as they please without worrying about visiting hours. Let the grandkids sleepover or take your senior out for the day. The rules are yours to make! In contrast, assisted living facilities often have visiting hours. Outside of this time frame, family and friends are not permitted inside. This can be inconvenient for family members that work odd shifts and can’t make it to the facility during the set hours. When you do get to visit, you usually have a set of regulations to follow. Some assisted living centers do not permit the senior to leave the property, even when accompanied by the family. This can restrict what you can do during visits. Most visits occur in communal rooms, so you won’t necessarily get to spend quality alone time with your loved one. That being said, the rooms are very well kept and each senior usually has their own place. Some facilities have full apartments and others are single rooms with bathrooms. It all depends on how independent you want your loved one to be. 


Many people fail to realize exactly how expensive senior care can be. According to The Genworth Cost of Care Survey 2018, the average price for assisted living facilities per month is $4,000. That’s more than many people pay for an apartment! This rate is lower than that of a nursing home, but it’s certainly not chump change. Unfortunately, many health insurance plans do not cover long-term care. That means that just about all assisted living expenses will have to come from the pockets of seniors and their families. It’s important to keep in mind that you are getting very good care for this price, as well as the upkeep of the building, activities, and more. If you’re looking to save some money, in-home care is your best bet. Most caregivers stop by x-amount of times per week for a set number of hours. The less they’re there, the less you pay. Hourly rate for in-home care is often more affordable regardless, but the option to add or remove visits is a nice way to give you some flexibility. Very few health insurance plans will cover in-home care 100%, but several of the most prominent brands do offer some assistance, especially if prescribed by a doctor. This can make the bill even more manageable so that you aren’t spending $48,000 per year on a senior who is relatively independent. 

Caregiver/Senior Relationships

We’ve come across many families that didn’t realize the stark differences between in-home care staff and assisted living staff. Home care providers often match you to a single caregiver that will visit every time. This match is based on needs, lifestyle, and personality so that a friendship can blossom. Seniors grow very attached to their caregiver over time because the staff has fewer clients to worry about at one time. They can focus more attention on your loved one rather than running around a facility taking care of 20+ seniors. Assisted living facilities have a more traditional staff that rotates frequently and does different tasks daily. The caregiver your loved one has in the morning is likely not the same one who will take care of them in the evening. This makes it hard for your loved one to build trust and rapport with their caregiver and can make them feel less important and cared for. Think about it in terms of school courses: you’d rather have one teacher with few students so they get to know everyone, right? Huge lectures and rotating teachers are overwhelming and don’t make you feel as valued. The same can happen in large assisted living facilities. 

Overall Pros and Cons

Here are a few additional pros and cons that we feel are worth mentioning. Of course, both senior care options are tested and trusted by millions. We encourage you to do research of your own or even reach out to elderly care companies to ask more questions. One of the best ways to determine how reliable a company is is to turn to their reviews or testimonials. Families will not hesitate to let you know how a facility or in-home company is doing. Keep in mind that not all companies are created equally. These pros and cons may apply to the average company, but they won’t apply to every company. Don’t be afraid to look around. Involve your loved one in the search and decision so that everyone is happy with the outcome! Take a look at some pros and cons we often see:

If you’re looking for senior care options for your loved one, consider an in-home caregiver. B’Zoe has been providing top-notch home care for years and we take pride in our staff. Each caregiver must pass strict background checks and meet a standard of training. We can help your loved one age in place happily and healthily. Learn more about us at or call us at (206) 953-4900 to speak with our team! We look forward to hearing from you!


How To Make a Home Suitable For Seniors

As our loved ones get older, we may be worried that their home is no longer safe for them to stay in. The good news is that with a few simple changes, most homes can be made much safer for elderly members of the family! In-home care is growing in popularity all the time, and most seniors prefer to age in place whenever possible. The B’Zoe Home Caregiving Services team is well-versed in caring for seniors in their own homes, and we’ve seen the common struggles faced by our clients. Here are a few things you can do to make a home more suitable for seniors. 

Remove Clutter

As we age, we tend to get some joint pain or muscle problems that make moving around harder than it was when we were under 65. This limited mobility can make it challenging to navigate a cluttered home, especially in already-tight spaces. Whenever and wherever possible, try to eliminate unnecessary “stuff” from the home. Find new homes for boxes that are often left on the floor, remove a chair or two from the kitchen if they aren’t needed, rearrange the living room to have a wider walking path, etc. You don’t necessarily need to get rid of anything if that’s not okay with your loved one, just relocate it to somewhere that doesn’t pose a tripping hazard. Over the age of 65, falls can be pretty serious. If you can take steps to prevent them now, you won’t have to worry about it later. 

Upgrade the Bathroom

This next tip isn’t always the easiest, but it is extremely important. Bathrooms are very dangerous for seniors with slick tile floors, slippery showers, and minimal room to move. If you can, swap out a bathtub for a senior-friendly shower. Curbless entry showers are ideal, but there are several different options that are suitable for aging in place. A shower seat and handrails are also great additions to help your loved one feel secure. In the past, this was a costly and time-consuming process, but with companies like Bath Fitter, it can be completed in as little as one day. You can convert a bathtub into a low entry or curbless shower complete with shelves, railings, and everything else you’re looking for. Opt for high-traction shower floors or pick up a slip-resistant bath mat. You should also have a non-slip mat outside of the shower so that your senior doesn’t slip on the tile floor. Finish off the bathroom with accessible toilets and easy-to-reach storage and your loved one will be in great shape!

Move Commonly-Used Items To Lower Cabinets And Shelves

You can positively impact your senior’s life without any remodeling at all simply by moving things around. If the kitchen cabinets are too tall to reach, move the items they use most often down to a level they can access. You don’t want them on a step ladder while they’re home alone! It’s generally a good idea to keep things in a similar location, just closer to their level. For example, if the Tupperware is too high (or too low), move them up to a drawer or the countertop. You don’t need to move them to a new area of the kitchen, just move them vertically. Keep in mind that bending down may be harder for your loved one, so avoid the temptation to move everything into the ground-level cabinets. If the home doesn’t have enough built-in storage that is accessible, pick up some new shelving units, storage units, or stylish boxes/bins to leave on the counter. You don’t need to move everything, just the items that your loved one uses all the time. 

Make Stairs Easier

One of the biggest challenges in creating a multigenerational home is stairs. Stairs can be tiring even for the fittest young adult, so it will absolutely be hard for elderly members of the family. In some cases, the senior relocates to one level of their house, only heading up or downstairs when family or the caregiver is there to assist. If the home has everything necessary on one floor, this is a great option. Otherwise, you’ll want to consider your options. There are several companies offering stair lifts for residential properties. Of course, certain staircases aren’t eligible for them because they curve too sharply or don’t have the proper environment around them. Generally speaking, however, stairlifts are a reasonable option. If you prefer, you can opt to rent a stairlift unit per month. That way, you don’t have to worry about it if your loved one does eventually need to be relocated to a nursing home or assisted living facility. For outdoor stairs or level changes within the house, consider building or installing ramps. Ramps are obviously a necessity for those in wheelchairs, but they are a safer and easier option for everyone! Seniors are far less likely to trip on a ramp than they are on stairs which can put your mind at ease when you aren’t at the house with them. They get to keep their independence and freedom to move around the home and you can rest easy. 

Take a Look At The Floor

Lastly, you want to make sure to look at the floors in your senior’s home. As we’ve mentioned, it’s very common for seniors to trip, slip, and fall on surfaces that they never used to. It’s important to take notice of the flooring materials throughout the home and identify any safety risks they pose. Tiles and hardwood are easiest to maneuver for canes and walkers, but they can get slippery under certain conditions. Rugs provide traction but can cause tripping. Luckily, there are many slip-resistant flooring options available these days. You can replace the floor or add some new flooring on top. Many tips you’ll find about flooring relate heavily to the needs of your loved one. Here are a few:

  • Try to remove unnecessary carpets when you can, especially if there are walkers or wheelchairs involved.
  • If you must keep a rug (to cover slipper tile etc), use low pile rugs that reduce tripping.
  • Make sure all rugs are secure and non-slip. You can even get some with plastic angled edges to prevent the corners and sides from tripping seniors if they shuffle their feet.
  • Look at the Slip Resistant Value on all new flooring. If the SRV is 36 or higher, your loved one is much less likely to slip!
  • Look into getting hardwoods finished with anti-slip products. Many companies offer it. 
  • Vinyl and cork flooring are some of the safest options and aren’t too expensive.

We hope this article has given you a few ideas about ways to make a home more suitable for your elderly family members to age in place. Keep in mind that each person is different, and that’s a problem for one person may not be an issue for another. Ask for your senior’s input to see what they’re most comfortable with. If you need more tips, don’t hesitate to research online. If you work with home-care experts like B’Zoe, our team can give you advice as well. We’ve been caring for elderly men and women for years with personalized, one-on-one care plans. Our staff will help you make a home appropriate for aging in place so that you don’t need to worry. If you’re ready to work with a caregiving service that will go the extra mile, contact B’Zoe Home Caregiving Services today! Call us at (206) 953-4900 to speak to our team, or visit to learn more about who we are and what we do. 


Combating Senior Isolation with In-Home Care

In growing numbers, many elderly and senior citizens are opting to stay in their own homes, even if they will be living alone. However, senior isolation can be detrimental to many aspects of their well-being. Fortunately, in-home caregivers can help combat the effects of loneliness.

Social isolation is a real threat to the well-being of seniors receiving in-home caregiving. writes, “Social isolation is the lack of contact between an individual and their family, friends, and society which leads to sadness, general boredom, lack of interest, societal withdrawal, and a decline in overall health.” This can include disintegration of personal hygiene, poor eating and nutrition, weight loss, and health declines including cognitive and social abilities. 

Isolation and loneliness are not only unpleasant experiences but impactful problems for seniors in-home care. As inherently social creatures, humans suffer without the presence of others, and this can decrease their life expectancy by a number of years. Circle of Care even goes as far as stating that, “The Journal of Aging Life Care tells us that social isolation in the elderly produces health risks of the same magnitude as smoking, high blood pressure, and obesity.”

There are a number of ways you can help a senior in-home care combat isolation, starting with the integration of modern technology. Adaptive technologies like hearing aids and proper glasses can help seniors battle loneliness and isolation, as these aids can help them read body language and better engage in conversation or understand media like television, music, or a phone call. It can also be world-changing for adult in-home care to learn how to video call their family and friends, use social media platforms, or message loved ones. 

Use of technology should, as is recommended for anyone, be balanced with time outside and exposure to sunlight and fresh air. Encouraging seniors in-home care to engage in activities like pet sitting, dog walking, or communal gardening can be extremely beneficial to both their physical health and social wellbeing by providing a sense of purpose and connectedness.

This feeling of purpose and social integration can come from other places too, such as religious services. By creating opportunities for seniors to connect to their faith and those that share it, their social lives can flourish even when their cognitive function is declining. 

Caregivers and family members can support seniors through this relatively isolated period of life by taking advantage of modern technology, engaging them with activities that bring them joy, and hiring a professional caregiver. All of these options provide an opportunity for connection between the senior in question and the people around them, and they are much more likely to thrive and sustain their wellbeing with regular interaction and connection.